2024 SADC SEW DRAFT AGENDA See all that SADC SEW has to offer
The SADC Sustainable Energy Week is a crucial platform for fostering collaboration and innovation in the energy sector.
Official Opening Remarks: His Excellency, The President of the Republic of Botswana
- His Excellency Advocate Duma Gideon BokoPresident of The Republic of Botswana
- H.E Elias M. MagosiExecutive Secretary
- Hon. Bogolo Joy KenewendoMinister of Minerals and Energy
- Hon. July G. MoyoMinister of Energy and Power Development
- Mr. Francesco La CameraDirector-General
- Ambassador Romana KönigsbrunAustrian Ambassador to SADC Region
- Mr. Kudakwashe NdhlukulaExecutive Director
- Mr. Ciyong ZouDeputy to the Director General and Managing Director
- Hon. Bogolo Joy KenewendoMinister of Minerals and Energy
- Hon. Teddy Lwamba MubaMinister of Energy and Water Resources
- Hon. Mohlomi MolekoMinister of Natural Resources and Acting Minister of Energy
- Hon. Ibrahim MatolaMinister of Energy
- Hon. Estêvão Tomás Rafael PaleMinister of Mineral Resources and Energy
- Hon. Makozo ChikoteMinister of Energy
- Hon. July G. MoyoMinister of Energy and Power Development
- Ms. Thabiso Florence PhapheTV Presenter
- Ms. Mokoena MapolaoDirector of Infrastructure
- Mr. Kudakwashe NdhlukulaExecutive Director
- Mrs. Thabile Joyce NkosiDirector of Energy
- Mr. Francois RobinsonInterim Executive Director
- Mr. Letshego MoengStrategy and Transformation Manager
- Mr. Stephen DihwaExecutive Director
- Ms. Aisma VitinaHead of APRA Secretariat
- Mr. Gurbuz GonulDirector of Country Engagement and Partnerships
- Mr. Petrus JohannesExecutive: Technical Regulations
- Mr. Skhumbuzo TsabedzeChief Executive Officer
- Prof. Cheddi KiravuDean of the Faculty of Engineering
- Mr. Farai KanondaRegional Sector Manager – Energy
- Mr. Pelaelo C. KgomotsoChief Operations Officer
- Mr. Brian TahindukaHead: Energy, Infrastructure and Mining, Africa Regions
- Ms. Sarah MalmExecutive Director at GOGLA
- Mr. Simon O’ ConnellChief Executive Officer
- Dr. Rebekah ShirleyDeputy Director
- Mr. James MolengaPrincipal Energy Engineer I, Head of Renewable Energy Section
- Mr. Thomas PullenkavSenior Technical Advisor
- Mr. Gillian-Alexandre HuartChief Executive Officer
- Ms. Lindiwe MbingoPrincipal Secretary
- Mr. Gurbuz GonulDirector of Country Engagement and Partnerships
- Mrs. Thabile Joyce NkosiDirector of Energy
- Mr. Daniel KitwaDirector, Energy Access Finance
- Ms. Enam Akoetey-EyiahRegional Director, Africa
- Ms. Martha WakoliManager, Clean Energy Access
- Ms. Jarredine MorrisAssociate Director Co-Head
- Ms. Ute CollierDeputy Director of Knowledge, Policy and Finance Centre
- Ms. Kavita RaiSenior Programme Officer
- Mr. Wolfgang Gruber-GlatzlSenior Researcher and Project Manager
- Prof. Kevin N. NwaigweProfessor of Energy and Power
- Ms. Karen GibsonChairperson
- Mr. Martin LugmayrIndustrial Development Expert
- Prof. Ashmore MawireProfessor in the Department of Physics and Electronics
- Dr. Theddeus Tochukwu AkanoSenior Lecturer in the Department of Mechanical Engineering
- Mr. Rudolf Robert MoschikProject Manager and Senior Expert
- Dr. Migbar Assefa ZelekeSenior lecturer in the Mechanical Engineering Department
- Mr. Shepherd M NyambeFounder
- Ms. Julliet M. MayisaLecturer
- Prof. Oboetswe S. MotsamaiAssociate Professor of Mechanical Engineering
- Mr. Thero Segwabe
- Prof. Habil Mario EinaxAssociate Professor
- Mr. Thalefo Phineas LetsholoMSc Student (Mechanical Engineering)
- Mr. Lesley ModiradiloDraughtsman
- Mr. Bonolo MooketsiProject and Maintenance Mechanical Engineer
- Ambassador Romana KönigsbrunAustrian Ambassador to SADC Region
- Mr. Kudakwashe NdhlukulaExecutive Director
- Mr. Wolfgang Gruber-GlatzlSenior Researcher and Project Manager
- Mr. Manfred BürstmayrSustainable Energy Specialist
- Prof. David NorrisVice Chancellor
- Dr. Faith Rapuleng-TueloDirector, Public Affairs
- Honourable Tiroeaone NtsimaMinister of Trade and Entrepreneurship
- Hon. Bogolo Joy KenewendoMinister of Minerals and Energy
- Hon. Mohlomi MolekoMinister of Natural Resources and Acting Minister of Energy
- Hon. Ibrahim MatolaMinister of Energy
- Mr. Christoph BrunnerChief Executive Officer
- Prof. Edward DintwaDean of the Faculty of Engineering and Technology
- Ms. Mpho Rebecca MosateExecutive Head of Safety and Sustainability
- Ms. Lebo SebobiESG & Sustainability Manager
- Mr. Rudolf Robert MoschikProject Manager and Senior Expert
- Prof. Samson MhlangaAssociate Professor in Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering Department
- Dr. Francois RozonPostgraduate Fellow
- Ms. Boitumelo MbaakanyiProgramme Manager - Sustainable Private Sector Development
- Mr. Sebota MokekeLecturer in the Department of Physics and Electronics
- Mr. Wolfgang Gruber-GlatzlSenior Researcher and Project Manager
- Prof. Kevin N. NwaigweProfessor of Energy and Power
- Ms. Matshidiso Glorious MoileAssociate Researcher-Energy
- Mr. David VolkwynMarketing & Technical Sales Director
- Dr. Karen SurridgeProject Manager Renewable Energy and Cleaner Fossil Fuels
- Ms. Helvi IlekaCentre Head, Centre of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (CREEE)
- Mr. Noah AsingeProject Associate: GN-SEC Programme
- Ms. Laura CloughGlobal Technical Advisor
- Ms. Granny LesiamangFounder and CEO
- Dr. Yesmeen KhalifaResearch Associate
- Dr. Mary NjengaResearch Scientist
- Mr. Simon O’ ConnellChief Executive Officer
- Mr. Lewnis BoudaouiOPEC Fund
- Mr. Arnold SimwabaPermanent Secretary - Electricity
- Mr. Edwin KhethiwePrincipal Energy Engineer II
- Honourable David TshereMinister of Communications and Innovation
- Ms. Ute CollierDeputy Director of Knowledge, Policy and Finance Centre
- Mr. Avisheka MallaEnergy Intervention Manager
- Mr. Jens JaegerDirector of Policy & Business Development
- Mr. Kamran SiddiquiAssociate Programme Officer
- Dr. Chantelle G. MoyoProgramme Manager, Economy – Africa Programme
- Prof. Clever KetlogetsweSenior Lecturer, Faculty of Engineering and Technology
- Ms. Ayu AbdullahManaging Director & Executive Director
- Mr. Zibusiso NcubeGlobal Senior Energy Expert
- Mr. Midas SekgaboDirector of Energy
- Dr. Rebekah ShirleyDeputy Director
- Mr. Hary AndriantavyExecutive Secretary
- Mr. Farai KanondaRegional Sector Manager – Energy
- Mr. Thierry OdouAssociate Analyst – Off-grid Power Systems
- Ms. Kornelia SilisheboProject Coordinator
- Dr. Sosten ZiukuDirector of Energy Conservation and Renewable Energy
- Mr. Jens JaegerDirector of Policy & Business Development
- Mr. Hary AndriantavyExecutive Secretary
- Mr. Saneliso MakhanyaProject Manager
- Mr. Gillian-Alexandre HuartChief Executive Officer
- Ms. Farida Ahmed KarimProject Coordinator, Africa Mini-Grid Programme
- Mr. Ayodeji OjoSenior Associate
- Mr. Gift ChiwayulaChief Energy Officer
- Mr. Kelly Linus ChandaChief Executive Officer
- Mr. Wilson MasangoChief Engineer Markets,
- Ms. Nandini VenkataCommunications Officer
- Mr. Johan van den Berg
- Ms. Fattouma HaniniSenior Planning and Business Development Specialist
- Mr. Désiré Armand Ndemazagoa BackottaDirector of Energy, Interim-Director
- Mr. Hyacinth ElayoSustainable Energy Policy Officer
- Mr. Yunus AlokoreRenewable Energy Programme Director
- Dr. Fuad FarzalibeyovDirector of Energy, Minerals and Environment
- Mr. Avisheka MallaEnergy Intervention Manager
- Mr. Canon Goddy Muhanguzi MuhumuzaInterim Executive
- Mr. Solomone FifitaManager
- Mr. Balisi GopolangClimate Change Coordinator
- Dr. Lesego MolapisiPrincipal: Innovation, Research and Development
- Mr. Midas SekgaboDirector of Energy
- Mr. Nicolas LecomteDirector Southern and East Africa
- Mr. Nico SnydersDeputy Director of Renewable Energy
- Ms. Asteria MarkusProgram Support Officer
- Dr. Lawrence JonesVice President, International Programs
- Mr. Marcus CourageChief Executive Officer
- Dr. Budzanani TachebaInterim Executive Director
- Dr. Ecco MajeNational eMobility Coordinator
- Mr. Saidi BandaDeputy Director of Off-Grid Energy
- Mr. Mokhethi J. SeitlhekoDirector of Energy
- Mr. Johan BruwerGeneral Manager and Director
- Dr. Sosten ZiukuDirector of Energy Conservation and Renewable Energy
- Mr. Hiten ParmarExecutive Director
- Mr. Yunus AlokoreRenewable Energy Programme Director
- Mr. Pascal DamianTechnical Advisor
- Mr. Readlay MakalikiLead Technical Expert
- Mr. Mzwandile ThwalaEnergy Efficiency Expert
- Ms. Tebogo “Tebby” ModisagapePresident of Botswana Green Building Council
- Ms. Valeria Arroyave CardozoProject Manager
- Ms. Angellah WekongoSenior Associate
- Mr. Titus MukwasoPrincipal Energy Engineer, Head of Energy Efficiency and Conservation Section
- Mr. Ishmael MotlhaleSenior Energy and Carbon Manager
- Honourable Noah SalakaeMinister of Transport and Infrastructure
- Ms. Keolebogile SegomeloDirector of Standards
- Mr. Kago R. RabasomaLecturer in Thermo-fluids and Energy Engineering
- Ms. Karen GibsonChairperson
- Ms. Nandini VenkataCommunications Officer
- Mr. Manfred BürstmayrSustainable Energy Specialist
- Ms. Linda MosekiPresident of Southern Africa Federation of Engineering Organisations
- Mrs. Bridget Poppy JohnPermanent Secretary
- Ms. Eunice Ntobedzi HannaDirector
- Mr. Hyacinth ElayoSustainable Energy Policy Officer
- Ms. Shamil Tumisang AgosiManaging Director
- Mr. Wolfgang Gruber-GlatzlSenior Researcher and Project Manager
- Mr. Martin LugmayrIndustrial Development Expert
- Ms. Kiesha FarnumHead of Partnerships and Programmes
- Mr. Gosata KgariHead: Vehicle & Asset Finance
- Ms. Sandiswa QayiManaging Director
- Ms. Jane NakasamuFounder
- Ms. Kavita RaiSenior Programme Officer
1. Solar Thermal Facility at the University of Botswana
2. Solar Thermal Testing Facility: Collector Test Centre, Botswana Institute for Technology Research and Innovation (BITRI)
3. Commercial & Industrial Facility at Botswana University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (BUAN)