The SADC Sustainable Energy Week is a crucial platform for fostering collaboration and innovation in the energy sector. By bringing together key stakeholders, including high-level international, regional, and national officials, the conference seeks to address the pressing energy challenges faced by the SADC region. The event will be officiated by the President of the Republic of Botswana and attended by SADC Energy Ministers and the SADC Executive Secretary, underscoring its importance.
Throughout the five-day conference, participants will engage in a diverse range of activities, including High-Level Plenary sessions, detailed presentations, break-out sessions, and site visits. These sessions are designed to facilitate knowledge sharing, promote best practices, and encourage the development of sustainable energy solutions that can ensure energy security and foster economic growth in the region.
Accelerating Sustainable Energy Solutions for an Energy Secure SADC Region
The SADC Sustainable Energy Week seeks to promote opportunities in the renewable energy and energy efficiency sectors and programmes along the energy value chain. The focus will be on the policy and enabling environment, financing, grid integration, energy efficiency, renewable energy technologies and clean cooking, energy storage, and many others for a sector in transition.
The 2024 SADC Sustainable Energy Week is jointly organised with the 6th International Off-grid Renewable Energy Conference (IOREC), the 8th SOLTRAIN Regional Conference as well as the Global Network of Sustainable Energy Centre (GN-SEC) meeting.
Overall, the event will create a platform that will bring together diverse relevant stakeholders who include SADC energy institutions which facilitate the growth and development of the sustainable energy sector in Southern Africa such as the SADC Secretariat, the Southern Africa Power Pool (SAPP) and the Regional Energy Regulators Association (RERA) of Southern Africa, government ministries, policymakers, utilities and regulators. The private sector including investors and developers, researchers as well as financiers among them development finance institutions (DFIs), multilateral finance institutions (MFIs), commercial banks, and institutional investors.
International Cooperating Partners will also be joined by non-governmental organisations and civil society and industry associations as well as sustainable energy think-tanks, researchers, entrepreneurs, and academia.
The 6th International Off-grid Renewable Energy Conference and Exhibition (IOREC) is a flagship event of IRENA and acts as the global platform for sharing experiences and best practices on design and implementation of enabling policies, tailored financing schemes, innovative business models and technology applications for stand-alone and mini-grid systems. For more information visit: https://iorec.irena.org/
The 8th Southern African Renewable Heating and Cooling Training & Demonstration Initiative (SOLTRAIN+) Conference will showcase the locally installed SOLTRAIN+ demonstration projects, provide highlights of the various heating, cooling, and industrial technologies, introduce the additions to SOLTRAIN+ and create an opportunity to meet likeminded experts to better understand regional and international renewable energy heating and cooling actions towards sustainable development goals. For more information visit: https://www.soltrain.org/