Mr. Kamran Siddiqui is an Associate Programme Officer in the Country Engagement and Partnerships division of IRENA where he supports countries in transition to low carbon and climate resilient future through renewables. His focused areas include country-level engagement through assessments, mapping, and consultation on topics related to energy access, energy nexus with different socio-economic sectors like agriculture and healthcare, etc. Kamran is a part of the team leading on IRENA’s flagship Transitioning Remote Communities to Renewable Energy and the Empowering Lives and Livelihoods: Renewables for Climate Action initiatives that aims to promote use of renewable energy for energy access and across agriculture and health value chains.
Kamran has experienced working across different geographies including Sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, Southeast Asia and with SIDS. He has also worked in collaboration with several international and regional organisations including FAO, WHO, World Bank, IFC, ADB, ASEAN, SAARC, ARE, ECREEE, PPA, SPC, etc.
Kamran is an alumnus of the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission and holds a postgraduate degree in Sustainable Energy Systems from Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom. He is also a certified expert in Climate and Renewable Energy Finance from the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management, Germany. Further to this accolade, Kamran has remained a British Council Fellow and the recipient of the Pakistan’s Federal Government Scholarship for his undergraduate studies.