Privacy policy


    The Southern African Development Community Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (SACREEE), hereinafter referred to as “SACREEE”,  fundamentally values the importance of Personal Data. Further, that Personal Data is an asset which must be protected and processed lawfully. In that regard, individuals’ right to privacy in Personal Data should be upheld.

    SACREEE processes personal data of Data Subjects (“you”) when conducting its operations.

    This Privacy Notice outlines SACREEE’s data processing activities, such as how it processes your Personal Data, the legal justification for processing such information, your rights and how to contact SACREEE when you have queries or concerns regarding the processing of your Personal Data.


    Contact information for your communication with SACREEE is as follows:

    SADC Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency – SACREEE

    Physical address: 

     Ausspann Plaza No. 1

     No. 11 Augustino Neto Street


     Windhoek, NAMIBIA

    Email address: [email protected]

    SADC Sustainable Energy Week Website:

    If you have any concerns or complaints regarding this Privacy Notice or how SACREEE processes your Personal Data, you can submit your complaint or question through the contact details provided above.


    SACREEE, during the implementation of its activities, collects and processes different types of Personal Data depending on your relationship with it.SACREEE may process, inter alia, the following types of Personal Data:

    • Names
    • Email addresses
    • Internet Protocol (IP) addresses
    • Postal or physical addresses
    • Phone numbers
    • Fax numbers
    • Personal website address
    • Biographical information
    • Gender information


    In most cases, SACREEE processes Personal Data directly provided to it by you. SACREEE collects your Personal Data, inter alia, when:

    • you apply for a job at SACREEE;
    • you submit bid documents in response to a tender advertised or communicated by SACREEE;
    • you have made a complaint or an enquiry to SACREEE;
    • you have requested certain information from SACREEE;
    • you have provided your Personal Data for purposes of attending an event organized by the SACREEE; other sources have provided your Personal Data to SACREEE, including in the following situations:


    SACREEE processes your Personal Data for, inter alia, the following reasons:

    • for recruitment of new employees, contractors, including suppliers, or service providers, including consultants;
    • for procurement of services;
    • to comply with requirements of the law;
    • to establish, exercise or defend legal claims;
    • to process job, procurement and grant applications;
    • for auditing purposes;
    • to administer SACREEE’s website;
    • to respond to any of your communications or queries; and
    • in responding to any regulatory requirements.


    Before processing your Personal Data, SACREEE makes sure that it has a lawful justification to do so. SACREEE may process your Personal Data under circumstances where:

    you have provided the SACREEE with your express consent to process your Personal Data for a specific purpose (s). For example, you may have given the SACREEE consent to collect your Personal Data in respect of a certain program SACREEE may be rolling out . Please take note that you can withdraw your consent at any time. However, this may lead to your Personal Data not to be processed for the intended purpose thus limiting your involvement in the program in question;

    your Personal Data is availed for purposes of execution and/or performance of a contract between SACREEE and yourself. For example, SACREEE may process your Personal Data because you have a consultancy or employment contract with the SACREEE;

    • SACREEE is required by law to process your Personal Data. For example, SACREEE may process your Personal Data to comply with tax laws or any other applicable regulatory requirements;
    • SACREEE is to cooperate in investigation required in terms of national laws against crimes or breach of SACREEE Policies and Regulations, including on matters related to corruption and money laundering;
    • SACREEE needs to protect your vital interests or vital interests of another person; and/or
    • SACREEE needs to perform a public interest task or exercise an official authority vested on it. For example, to comply with public health regulations relating to Covid-19.

    When SACREEE processes your Personal Data, it will indicate to you if providing such information is mandatory and the possible consequences of failure to provide such information. For example, a law may require SACREEE to collect certain Personal Data from you prior to SACREEE providing you with assistance. If you do not provide the required Personal Data, there may be consequences of you not receiving a service, a benefit or assistance from SACREEE.


    Sensitive Personal Data includes Personal Data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership, genetic data, biometric data, health data and data concerning a person’s sex life or sexual orientation.

    SACREEE only processes Sensitive Personal Data in very limited circumstances, including the following:

    • where you have given SACREEE your explicit consent to process your sensitive Personal Data for a specific purpose (s);
    • for Human Resources and Administration purposes, for example, about SACREEE’s employees as far as necessary to fulfil duties as an employer;
    • where necessary to protect your vital interests or the vital interests of another natural person where you are not able to provide consent;
    • where necessary for the establishment, pursuing, or defense of legal claims;
    • where necessary for reasons of public interest in public health, such as protecting against serious cross border health threats or ensuring high standards quality and safety health care; or processing Personal Data relating to criminal convictions and sentences if authorized by law.


    SACREEE may share your Personal Data with third parties (“Data Processors”) for purposes of receiving a particular service. These third parties can be international firms, and are bound by international digital laws. For example:

    your Personal Data may be processed by a service provider when it hosts SACREEE’s email services on its servers;

    • your Personal Data may be processed by a web development and maintenance service provider (such as “Cesefor”).
    • your bank account details (and other relevant Personal Data) may be shared with a payment service providers (such as “Stripe” or “Paypal”) when you initiate the purchase of tickets for an event; and
    • your email address (and other relevant Personal Data) may be shared with newsletter and/or mailing service providers (such as “Mailerlite”) when you subscribe to SACREEE’s newsletter.
    • SACREEE makes sure that Data Processors do not further process your Personal Data without the former’s written authorization.
    • Where SACREEE intends to further process your Personal Data for a purpose other than that for which the Personal Data were collected, SACREEE shall provide you with information regarding the purpose for further processing.


    A cookie is a small text file that a website stores on your computer or mobile device when you visit the site. First party cookies are cookies set by the website you are visiting. Only that website can read them. In addition, a website might potentially use external services, which also set their own cookies, known as third-party cookies. Persistent cookies are cookies saved on your computer and that are not deleted automatically when you quit your browser, unlike a session cookie, which is deleted when you quit your browser. Every time you visit this website, you will be prompted to accept or refuse cookies. The purpose is to enable the site to remember your preferences (such as username, language, etc.) for a certain period of time. That way, you do not have to re-enter them when browsing around the site during the same visit. Cookies can also be used to establish anonymized statistics about the browsing experience on our sites.

    Visitor preferences are set by SACREEE, and only SACREEE can read them. They remember if you have agreed to (or refused) this site’s cookie policy.

    Visitor preferences cookies




    Cookie consent kit for Google Tag Manager


    Stores your cookie preferences (so you won’t be asked again)

    Cookie type and duration

    First-party persistent cookie, 7 days

    Analytics cookies are used purely for internal research on how SACREEE can improve the service it provides for all users. The cookies simply assess how you interact with SACREEE’s website – as an anonymous user (data gathered does not identify you personally).

    Analytics cookies




    Google Analytics Service provided by Google Tag Manager


    To store and count pageviews. (anonymously – no personal information is collected on the user)

    Cookie type and duration

    Third-parties persistent cookie, 2 years




    Google Analytics Service provided by Google Tag Manager


    To store and count pageviews. (anonymously – no personal information is collected on the user)

    Cookie type and duration

    Third-parties persistent cookie, 2 years


    SACREEE does not employ the use of automated decision-making processes, including profiling when processing Personal Data.


    SACREEE considers your Personal Data as a very important asset. It is stored following WP’s security protocols. While SACREEE adopts all reasonable security measures to protect your Personal Data, it is acknowledged that it cannot guarantee absolute security of your Personal Data.


    SACREEE will keep your information for as long as it is needed for the purpose it was collected, unless you request us to delete it.


    Right of access

    You have the right to access information regarding the Personal Data about you that SACREEE processes. You may request for access to a record of Personal Data by contacting SACREEE (see section 2).

    Right to rectification of your Personal Data subject to SACREEE Policies and Regulations

    you may ask SACREEE to rectify information about you, which you think is inaccurate or incomplete.

    if information about you is incomplete, you may also ask the SACREEE to complete the information.

    You may ask this by addressing the request at the email address indicated in section 2.

    Right to have your Personal Data erased

    You have a right to have your Personal Data deleted once the purpose for processing it has been achieved.

    In certain instances, you can exercise your right to ask the SACREEE to delete your Personal Data. You may request the deletion of your Personal Data under the following circumstances:

    the Personal Data are no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which SACREEE collected it;

    you have withdrawn your consent to the Personal Data being processed by SACREEE;

     there are no other overriding legitimate grounds for the processing of your Personal Data by SACREEE;

     your Personal Data has been unlawfully processed.

    You may submit this request at the email address indicated in section 2.

    Right to have the processing of your Personal Data restricted

    You have a right to request SACREEE to restrict the way it processes your Personal Data, under any of the following instances:

    where you are contesting the accuracy of the Personal Data;

    the processing of the Personal Data is unlawful, but you do not want the information deleted;

    you want SACREEE to keep the Personal Data for the establishment, pursuing, or defense of legal claims; or

    you have objected to the processing pending the verification whether SACREEE’s legitimate grounds override your rights.

    You may submit this request at the email address indicated in section 2.

    Right to data portability

    When you have supplied SACREEE with Personal Data, you have the right to ask that the information you gave to SACREEE be transferred to another organization or Data Controller.

    You have a right to receive your Personal Data in a format that is easy to read.

    You may submit this request at the email address indicated in section 2.

    Right to withdraw consent

    You have a right to withdraw consent to the processing of your Personal Data. Once SACREEE receives your notice of withdrawal, it shall immediately, as far as practicable, stop processing your Personal Data provided that the lawfulness of the processing of your Personal Data before such withdrawal will not be affected.

     b. You may submit this request at the email address indicated in section 2.

    Right to lodge a complaint

    You have a right to submit a complaint in writing at the email address indicated in section 2, when you are of the opinion that SACREEE is processing your Personal Data not in compliance with this Privacy Notice.

    Right to object to processing

    You have the right to object to how the SACREEE processes your Personal Data. You can object to the processing of your Personal Data at any time. SACREEE may accept your objection also considering its legitimate interests and public interests versus your rights in terms of this Privacy Notice.


    As SACREEE is highly committed in safeguarding and protecting Personal Data, SACREEE is constantly reviewing and updating its policies to be compliant with the privacy regulations and to respect the highest standards in terms of processing and protecting Personal Data.

    This Privacy Notice may vary and be updated. Modifications related to this Privacy Notice will be duly and widely announced on the SACREEE website and related information links. Restrictive measures to your rights as recognized in this Privacy Notice will never be applied without your prior explicit consent.