Mr. Thalefo Phineas Letsholo

    Mr. Thalefo Letsholo is a MSc (Mechanical Engineering) student at the University of Botswana, where he specializes in Clean and Renewable Energy With over three (3) years of experience in Solar Energy Systems, Thalefo is a certified solar systems technician by SOLTRAIN and has contributed to previous SOLTRAIN projects such as extensive installation of 22 solar water heaters at SOS Tlokweng in partnership with SOLTRAIN and Debswana as well as design and installation of 70kW rooftop photovoltaic systems at the new Orapa South Gate.

    Thalefo holds a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Botswana and he is currently pursing master’s degree in mechanical engineering specializing in Clean and Renewable Energy from the University of Botswana. Thalefo is known for his notable accomplishments, such as winning the best poster award at the 2nd International Sustainable Energy conference 2022 (ISEC 2022), Graz, Austria based on his undergraduate final year project titled “Comparative exergy and energy analysis of compound and flat plate collectors”. His current work focuses on Retrofitting an Internal Combustion Engine into an Electric Vehicle.

    Speaker Details
    • Profession
      MSc Student (Mechanical Engineering)
    • Company
      University of Botswana
    Speaker Details
    • Profession
      MSc Student (Mechanical Engineering)
    • Company
      University of Botswana