Ms. Monika Spoerk-Duer studied Plastics Engineering at Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria (MSc, focus on physical and chemical technology of plastics as well as material testing). Since 2010, she work for AEE INTEC in the field of solar thermal energy and resource efficiency with focus on scientific dissemination and solar thermal market analyses (IEA SHC Solar Heat Worldwide Report). Her experiences further cover monitoring of energy efficient houses as well as solar thermal systems. Since June 2023 I am part of the Industrial Systems department at AEE INTEC.
In 2012, Ms. Spoerk-Duer joined the Austrian SOLTRAIN project team. SOLTRAIN aims at awareness raising, capacity building and demonstrating renewable heating and cooling technologies with a special focus on solar thermal technologies in different applications. The project also provides support for political and financial decision makers with regard to the development of future sustainable thermal energy systems.